Ruprecht Karls Universität Heidelberg


Vorträge in dieser Woche:

  • 21.05.24: Simulation-Basted Inference Techniques and its.... - (Aishik Ghosh)
    17:00 Uhr s.t., INF 226, Goldbox, EG

  • 22.05.24: Dissipation in Bose-Einstein Condensates - (Prof. Dr. Herwig Ott)
    Pretalk: Yannik Deller, Kirchhoff-Institut für Physik, Universität Heidelberg: "Spin excitations from local phase imprints"
    16:30 -18:00 Uhr, KIP, HS 1

  • 24.05.24: The role of aerosol - cloud interactions as driver of climate change in the past and in the future - (Prof. Dr. Johannes Quaas)
    17:00 Uhr c.t., KIP, INF 227, Hörsaal 1

EDV Abteilung